A serious problem affecting the working environment within industrial locations is airborne pollution from gases, fumes and dust. Without a doubt, the best way to solve most of these problems is with a source-capture fume extraction system. By using a source-capture system, we are able to keep these pollutants from the breathing zone of the operator.

Due to increased awareness and studies from organizations like NIOSH, OSHA and public health departments, clean working environments are now a necessity. Many companies are now seeing insurance rates drop due to cleaning the air in the working area.

Welding & Soldering Fumes:
The pollutants that are created by welding partly consist of gases and particles. Some particles are so small that they are not visible. These particles are very dangerous. They pass through the walls of the lungs and into the blood stream.


For more information on the hazards of vehicle exhaust:

OSHA, Occupational Safety & Health Administration

NIOSH, National Institute of Safety & Health

American Conf. Of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

National Fire Protection Association NFPA-1500-A.9.1.6

American Industrial Hygiene Association

American Federation of Municipal Employees

Canadian Center for Occupational Health & Safety

Diesel Exhaust Emission Standards

European Agency for Safety & Health at Work

Sweden National Institute for Working Life

International Agency for Research on Cancer

Australia National Occupational Health & Safety

Air Cleaning Technologies, Inc. is one of the regions leading full-service providers of in-plant air filtration systems, replacement filters, and vehicle exhaust removal products. In addition to representing proven product lines, Air Cleaning Technologies, Inc., offers complete service resources including: facility assessments, system design, and turnkey installations.

Standards for Controlling Diesel Exhaust

Reducing Exposure to Hexavalent Chromium in Weld Fumes

World Health Order